Join Our Team
About You
You’ve found yourself on this page for a reason. Perhaps you’ve been following us on social media and feel like we’d be a great match. Perhaps we’ve put a call out for new team members. Most of all, you’re looking for information here to help you decide whether or not to submit an application to join us. Here are some hints …
- You are passionate about excellent mental health care and evidence-based practice;
- You enjoy working in a team and connecting with your team members (no matter where you’re located), including seeking and providing support as needed;
- You value input from your colleagues, no matter what their professional background;
- You thrive on working autonomously and actively taking ownership of your responsibilities, your time management, and your work;
- You are committed to ongoing professional learning;
- You are comfortable providing services via Telehealth;
- You know your limits and are comfortable setting boundaries;
- You are up for a challenge.
If this sounds like you, then it’s high time we met! We’re keen to hear from mental health professionals from anywhere in Australia – although we do have a special place in our hearts for Tasmanian and Melbourne-based clinicians.
Whether you’re an enthusiastic new grad (or near grad) or have many years of clinical experience that we can learn from, please get in touch and let us know how we can work together.
IMPORTANT: Because we’re dying to know if you’ll be a great fit for our team culture, please focus on providing a meaningful cover letter with your application. Tell us about who you are, what you love about your work, what your dreams and goals are for your career, and what draws you to working with us. Bonus points if this includes a reflection on how the work of The Crawley Clinic fits with your values.
About Us
In 2021 we were finalists in the Team Culture category of the Australian Allied Health Awards. In 2023 we hosted our first whole-of-team staff retreat in Hepburn Springs, Victoria.
The Crawley Clinic was founded in Hobart in 2000 by Dr Tess Crawley (Clinical & Forensic Psychologist and Private Practice Business Coach), and has grown from a single location to three main centres (Launceston Head Office, Hobart outreach base, and Melbourne office). We are a private practice, and our recruitment philosophy is based on an employment model (rather than contracting). Our clients come from a wide range of referral bases and locations, so we are well placed to cater to your clinical interests.
The Crawley Clinic is owned and directed by Tess, and incorporates The Crawley Clinic Launceston, The Crawley Clinic Melbourne, and The Crawley Clinic Outreach. In addition to privately funded clients, self-managed NDIS clients, and third party referrals, The Crawley Clinic receives Commonwealth funding through Primary Health Tasmania, which means we can offer no-cost services to eligible Tasmanian clients in Launceston, Hobart, and rural outreach communities including George Town, Scottsdale, St Helens, St Marys, Bicheno, Swansea, Triabunna, Oatlands, Sorell, Bridgewater, New Norfolk, Kingston and Huonville. For Tasmanian clients, this makes us uniquely positioned to help clients, whether they can afford private fees or not. For Tasmanian clinicians, this means the opportunity to spend some of your time in our amazing rural communities.
The Crawley Clinic employs mental health clinicians from around Tasmania and mainland Australia to provide treatment in-person and via Telehealth. The Crawley Clinic Melbourne team is based at Crawley House in Albert Park, and supports the work of the Tasmanian team through Telehealth services to Tasmanian clients and collegial support to the Tasmanian clinicians, in addition to seeing private Melbourne-based clients.
What's it Like to Work For The Crawley Clinic?
Our employment philosophy is focussed on clinician care first – which naturally leads to great client care. We value all team members, regardless of professional background and pride ourselves on a stable multi-disciplinary team.
We have heard on the grapevine that The Crawley Clinic is a great place to work! … In 2021 we were finalists in the Team Culture category of the Australian Allied Health Awards. In 2023 we hosted our first whole-of-team staff retreat in Hepburn Springs, Victoria.
We do our best to support our clinicians to avoid burnout – experienced clinicians average five clients per day, provisional psychologists average four clients per day. We provide funding for external supervision for provisional psychologists, and all team members participate in fortnightly clinical group supervision and fortnightly group peer support. As-needed individual debriefing/supervision in-house is also available. We also provide annual study leave and in-house training opportunities. We pay above award salaries, with annual CPI increases.
We believe in supporting the longer-term goals of our team members, which means incorporating their plans beyond their time with us, and doing what we can to support growth towards those goals.
We adopt an “always recruiting” philosophy welcome unsolicited approaches from skilled mental health clinicians who are keen to work with us. So please don’t feel you need to wait to see us advertising! If you know you’re the right fit for what we do and who we are (which you’ll know if you have have gotten to know us via social media), please get in touch!
We are proud of our team-based culture of collegiality and support and we are passionate about finding the right match for that culture. With that in mind, our selection process is based very much on choosing the person who’ll fit within our team. We want you to feel welcomed, valued and supported. Come join us!